The film was dubbed in Hindi as How Old Are You? and in Kannada as Preethi. In the film, Akshay's character Tasha Khan falls in love with Kareena's character Rashmi Sharma, and when they find out about each other's age, they try to hide their age from each other. It also stars Ileana D'Cruz, Manoj Pahwa, Prakash Raj and Aftab Shivdasani.
In 2007, following the success of Saathoon, Aditya Chopra announced a sequel titled Style (later renamed as Tashan) in August 2007, with Vijay Krishna Acharya directing. The film is a story of two best friends, who fall in love, while one of them is in love with the other's girlfriend. It was released on 3 May 2008, coinciding with the International Women's Day.
In the aftermath of a terror attack, a professor and a cop have an argument about the fate of the country. The professor blames the country for its failures and believes India must be made the best place to live in the world. The cop, however, claims that terrorism has made the country ungovernable and that they should eliminate it as the only way to establish peace.
Dr. Rashmi Sharma, a beautiful pediatrician is employed as an analyst by Dr. Tasha Khan, a billionaire entrepreneur. Dr. Sharma is in love with Tasha's friend and assistant Avinash, but Tasha has a crush on her. As a token of appreciation, Dr. Sharma enters a three-week professional competition (she had been earlier eliminated after a serious injury) and wins her first case.
Tasha is a clever businessman who is planning to make a name for himself in the global market. He is the only son of the Khan family, a family with a long history in the foreign business. Tasha's father and the younger brother, Moin, run the company while their elder brother, Saeed, is already in the U.S. The rivalry in the family is among Tasha's father, Saeed, and Moin. When Tasha's wife, Maya, departs for the U.S., he finds himself lonely.
Dr. Sharma begins seeing a physician named Dr. Abhishek Pandey. When Tasha finds out, he tries to lure her away from Avinash and into his own arms. However, Dr.
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